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Informace o Palmserver.CZ a kontakty na vydavatele jsou zde. Neposkytujeme rady ohledně software ani hardware! Není to v našich silách. Prosíme, abyste kontaktní informace nezneužívali pro výše uvedené účely.

Re: Apple připravuje iPhone s A13 čipem na březen 2020 (Hodnocení: 0)
Od: Anonym - Úterý, 28.05. 2019 - 11:28:02

In a small family having parents with two children, such family called nuclear family. A family contains one set of parents with three or more children are called as big nuclear family. In a joint family having many set of parents with their children. My family type is a big nuclear family contains six members, mother, father, two brothers and two sisters. I live with my own family and am so happy. People in the family turn into very caring and offer well help from time to time. My grandparents are alive in the village in their home where we visit in our summer vacations and enjoy a lot. Both, my grandfather and grandmother heed me and my brother, sisters a lot. They usually tell us nice stories in the night which we actually enjoy. We like all moment with them and grasp the moments into my mobile. My parents love and mind to my grandparents awfully much and always get care of their wants. They provide lots of needed things to them when we go to village. My parents speak to my grandparents with mobile almost every day. I am so blessed and sense very happy to have such pretty and wary members in my family. I truly miss my grandparents when I obtain returned to my home. My mom is awfully sweet and love and care us a lot. She forever gives us yummy breakfast and lunch each day. She cares a lot to my father and him too. She tells us about all the Indian society and traditions in order to go by to next generation. We happily celebrate all festival with my grandparents in the village and present nice gifts to each other. We exist an advanced way of life in the city though really enjoys a scenery lifestyle in the village. Both, my mom and dad help us all in liability home work. We like a good get together in the twilight at dinner table and use some time with all other in the ground.

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Vaše jméno: Anonym [ Registrovat ]



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